
public abstract T get<T>(Object key)

Returns the value associated with the specified key or an empty Optional if there is no such key in this map.

The type mapping rules are the following:

| JavaScript         | Java           |
| Number             | Double         |
| String             | String         |
| Boolean            | Boolean        |
| null and undefined | null           |
| Node               | JsObject, Node |
| ArrayBuffer        | JsArrayBuffer  |
| Array              | JsArray        |
| Set                | JsSet          |
| Map                | JsMap          |
| Object             | JsObject       |
| Proxy Object       | Object         |

For proxy objects, the corresponding injected Java object is returned.


the value associated with the specified key or an empty Optional if there is no such key in this map.



the key whose associated value is to be returned


the type of the returned value


when the JavaScript object is already disposed or invalid